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151. I hope you don’t call at the office unless there is an emergency.

Please text me on Line if there is anything.
 → if there is something wrong

I get nervous when you call me, because I’m worried what’s happening to you.

See you later.


152. I hope that’s not gonna happen because it’s just a rumor.

I don’t believe she is gonna leave school.

If it’s true, you will be so sad because she has been your best friend.

Do you want me to ask her directly about it?


153. I hope you make dinner instead of my Mom for three days from tomorrow.

She is gonna fly to Hawaii for her friend’s wedding party.

I’m glad if you can stay my home while she is away.
 → if you can stay at my home

Please think about it.


154. I hope you cover expenses for the amount over the budget on your own risk.

Your project has been over the budget for three months.

You should think more about the expenses.

I’m sure you can do it.


155. I hope you see a doctor before you get worse than we expect.

The sooner, the better.

I want you to take care of yourself.

Shall I make an appointment for you now?
 → Do you want me to make an appointment for you now?


156. I hope you study much harder not to fail the exam and not to regret.

If you fail the exam, you have to repeat a year.
 → you’ll have to repeat it next year.

That must make your parents disappointed.

I know you can do it.


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I hope… と I wish…  の違い。


I hope…  は、本当に実現するだろうことを願っているのに対し、I wish … は、実現する可能性が低めのことに対して使う、と。




I wish I spoke French. → フランス語話せたらいいのになぁ。(実際は話せない)


I wish I had studied harder at high school. → 高校時代にもっと一生懸命に勉強しておけばよかった(実際は勉強していなかった)



シンプルに、I wish は、可能性が低いことに対して使われる♪ んだそうです^^


I hope か I wish で迷ったら、I hope… を使っておくのが無難でしょうかね^^;

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[ 【塩原氏のスマホ留学】Term26のTDFCを添削してもらっ... ]スマホ留学実践記2017/07/27 21:08