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Can I check in early?

Could I get a room on a higher floor?

Could I get a bigger room?

Could I get some water?

Could I get some towels?

Could I get a new coffee maker? This one is dirty.

Could I get my room cleaned?



I’ll have a 〇〇.

What’s your most popular dish?

Could I get a box? 食べきれずに持ち帰る場合

Do you have (free) wi-fi?

Does it come with french fries?

How do you like your eggs done?  Over easy.  目玉焼を両面焼きで

It looks good!

It’s on me. 私が払います。



Do you have this in another color?

It didn’t fit.   試着の後、サイズ的に。

It didn’t look good on me. 試着の後 

Can I get this gift wrapped?



Can I get a bag, please?

Could I get an extra bag?



Will that be all? これで全部ですか?

Use the chip. クレジットカードは、スワイプではなく、差し込むICチップの方を使ってね。

Do you have a rewards card? 会員カードはお持ちですか?

Do you need a copy of the receipt?

Drop off or pick up? お預けですか?引き取りですか?


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Could you press ten? 10階押していただけますか?

What floor?

After you.



Where is the restroom?

Can I use the bathroom?

Do you need a key for the restroom?

What is the code for the restroom?

Could you write it down for me?

Are you in line?



Could I get 20 dollars on number 5?  cashの場合

Could I get change for Number 5? cashの場合

Can you open the pump for me? 日本のクレジットカードの場合



Have a nice day!  Thanks , you too!

Do you want me to take it ? 写真撮りましょうか?

Could you take a picture of us? 写真撮っていただけますか?

You look good!  元気?

accidentally 間違って・・

Have you been?  行ったことある?

Are you from here? ここ出身ですか?

Thank you for being patient with my poor English. 私の下手な英語にお付き合いありがとう。

It doesn’t matter. 気にしないで。

one day trip 日帰り旅行

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[ 暗記するぞーー!超実用英語センテンス<旅行編> ]日常英会話2017/06/28 10:29